The next Green Party leader must embody a fresh Green class politics
The Green Party is a radical party. The nature of our dual struggles - for social justice and for climate justice - demand we stay that way. With nominations for…
We must cancel all debt in the Global South to end global inequality
Even before the spread of coronavirus around the world, dozens of countries in the Global South were close to, or in, a debt crisis. This year alone, Lebanon and Argentina…
Why Toby Young is wrong about lockdown
As the UK’s coronavirus outbreak begins to peak, right wing hacks such as Toby Young and Daniel Hannan are already calling for an early exit from lockdown. These rash cries…
Neoliberalism has given us a broken democracy. It’s time to fix it.
It may be a massive cliche, but it bears repeating. The novel coronavirus has swamped our lives. The pandemic has brought illness, disruption, job losses and underemployment, and death to…
Book Review: AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain by David Wearing
Image credit: US State Department Following the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Kashoggi, and against the backdrop of the relentless war in Yemen, Britain’s relationship with the Gulf is once…
Beyond Tuition Fees #11- Much to Learn, More to Do
Photo Credit: Rowan Gavin It is a time of extraordinary potential for change in UK Higher Education. Labour’s promise to end tuition fees has defied the critics and united…
We Need to Free Our Education From Neoliberal Thinking
Photo: pixabay user 'padrinan', Creative Commons 0 license In the past couple of years, the Government has created a programme with the aim of 'raising aspirations' for Higher Education…
To save democracy, we must end capitalism
Democracy- by flicker user Sara: Creative Commons license This article is part of Bright Green’s ‘End of capitalism’ series– if you’d be interested in contributing something to this series,…
The UCU strike: a tale of student-staff solidarity
Photo credit: National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts The UCU strike has been one of the biggest mobilisations the education sector has seen in years - the fourteen days…
The Office for Students – Let’s not be caught napping
Photo credit: Pixabay user: 'OpenClipart-Vectors', Creative Commons license The Office for Students, the new regulator for Higher Education Institutions in England, was launched on New Year’s day this year.…