Why privatisation is wrong – from a parent of a child with special needs.
This post is published as a series of blogs about privatisation and in support of the ‘Week of Auctions organised by an alliance of anti-cuts groups across the UK. The…
Take action: ask Professor Dawkins not to teach at £18k college
I've just sent this to Richard Dawkins: Dear Professor Dawkins, I am saddened to hear of your involvement in the £18,000 a year “New College for the Humanities”. I have…
AC Grayling – the executioner
It was, of course, inevitable. For years now, UK governments have massively underfunded higher education. We sit in the bottom quarter of OECD countries for public funding for universities. But…
Democracy abolished in Michigan
The city of Benton Harbor in Michigan has now had its democracy abolished. Earlier this month, right wing Republican Governor Snyder secured from the State legislatures the power to declare…
There’s more to the economy than tax and spend
There's more to the economy than fiscal policy. This government's destruction is about much more than cuts. We, the left, need to get better at challenging their economic vision, and…
6 Billion Ways and our global struggle
The struggle against neo-liberalism is global or it is nothing. It is easy to imagine that the current cocktail of poisons forced on the people of Britain is something new.…
Green Party conference – Saturday morning motions
Conference opened today with one word: "bankers". And how apt. The first motion - "cuts and local public services" - committed the party to fighting public spending cuts at a…
Dick of the year – Lord Lawson
This is a submission for the Bright Green Dick of the Year award from Dave Hampton 'Carbon Coach' - for more climate denying dicks, have a look here. You can…