Green Party Executive results announced
Many eyes have been on the Green Party of England and Wales' leadership contest in recent weeks. But this hasn't been the only election members of the Green Party have…
New Young Greens executive elected
Members of the Young Greens - the Green Party of England and Wales' official youth and student wing - have been voting to elect a new executive over the last…
Full list of candidates for the Green Party Executive announced
This summer, Green Party of England and Wales members will elect six new members of the party’s executive (GPEx). Nominations are now closed, and Bright Green can announce the full…
“There is an alternative” – Young Greens co-chairs speech to Green Party conference
On Friday 5 March 2021, the Young Greens co-chairs Rosie Rawle and Lily Fitzgibbon gave a keynote speech to the Green Party of England and Wales conference, held virtually due…
We’re standing for the Green Party Women committee because it needs an overhaul
Every political party needs a powerful and effective women’s group, and ours is no exception. Women entering politics face a toxic combination of barriers. Abuse and harassment of women —…
No coalition with Fine Gael and Fianna Fail say Greens in north of Ireland – UK Green news round up issue 64
Greens in north of Ireland reject programme for government in Republic of Ireland Image credit: Creative Commons: Northern Ireland Assembly The results of the Irish general election in February 2020…
Alex Phillips rules herself out of Green Party leadership election – UK Green news round up issue 61
Alex Phillips rules herself out of Green Party leadership election Image credit: YouTube screengrab Nominations for the Green Party of England and Wales leadership election open on June 1, as…
Greens reiterate calls for Universal Basic Income – UK Green news round up issue 59
Greens reiterate calls for a Universal Basic Income Image credit: Bristol Green Party and Callum MacLellan Photography - Creative Commons With the latest government announcements providing little alleviation of lockdown,…
Young Greens launch ‘unprecedented programme of political education’ – UK Green news round up issue 55
Young Greens launch 'unprecedented programme of political education' The Young Greens of England and Wales this week launched an "unprecedented programme of training and political education." The youth branch of…
Greens respond to coronavirus, the budget and transphobia in the Guardian – UK Green news round up issue 51
Greens call for "solidarity pact" as a response to coronavirus crisis In the past two weeks, the crisis surrounding coronavirus has rapidly escalated. The government has been issuing regular advice…