The Green Party is “ready to absolutely explode” – an interview with Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley
Speaking to Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley for an extended period, I notice two things above anything else. Rather than common features of interviews - the earnest flag waving around…
The Greens must be “explicitly anti-capitalist” – an interview with Tom Pashby
Internal elections in the Green Party of England and Wales are often light on politics. With the Greens' policy platform being decided not by leaders but by members, it's easy…
“Addressing people’s day to day concerns” – an interview with Rosemary Sexton
Incumbent leaders of political parties don't lose their re-election. That's the conventional wisdom. But Solihull councillor Rosemary Sexton wants to change that. She announced her bid for the leadership of…
“Trans women will always be part of my feminism” – an interview with Amelia Womack
On most measures, Amelia Womack has had a good innings as deputy leader of the Green Party of England and Wales. Over the course of the six years she's been…
Three ideas the next Green Party leader must embrace to succeed
In some important respects, the next Green Party leadership team will inherit a much strengthened organisation. By comparison with 2018 - the last elections to the positions of leader and…
Greens must stick to the radicalism these times demand
The last few years have been a dizzying time for Green Party members. For most of the 2010s we took up the lonely role of opposing the ruinous austerity policy…
What happened to the Green Party of 2015?
Anti-Austerity Green bloc in 2015. Image via Alan Stanton, Creative Commons. The Green Party of England and Wales are the only political party I have ever joined. I signed up…
Unite To Remain will do more harm than good
Image credit: UK Parliament, Creative Commons I am writing this article as I get ready to contest a seat for a party I truly care about. I have been a…
Fighting every seat – why Greens should reject electoral alliances
Image credit, Martin Deustsch, Creative Commons When I joined the Green Party seven years ago, it was because it’s the only party which takes seriously the physical reality that infinite…