Young Greens committee 2015-16 elected

This weekend saw the Young Greens of England & Wales hold their annual convention in Nottingham.
Following three weeks of online voting for the different positions on the Young Greens committees, the following candidates were elected:
Young Greens National Executive Committee (NEC):
- Co-Chairs:
- Hannah Ellen Clare
- Sophie van der Ham
- Non-Portfolio:
- Libby Brown
- Lauren Davies
- Anna Jordan
- Tom Pashby
- Louise Young
- Georgia Elander
- Treasurer
- Tom Bolitho
Young Greens Structures and Procedures Committee (SPC):
- Molly Arthurs
- Elaha Walizadeh
- Luke Reynolds
Young Greens Regional Senate:
- Senate Co-Chairs
- Rhiannon Ennis
- Ernestas Jonas Jegorovas
You can find Bright Green’s full list of positions and candidates here, and our coverage of the Young Greens co-chair hustings here.
Good luck to one and all – you are a sign of hope in a world that needs it.