Revealed: Full breakdown of the Green Party leadership election
Bright Green can reveal the full breakdown of the Green Party leadership election votes.
The figures obtained by Bright Green show that Jonathan Bartley and Caroline Lucas won with 86% of the vote, securing a clear victory in the first round with 13,570 votes.
Yorkshire-based film-maker David Malone came 2nd with 956 votes – revealing the scale of Bartley and Lucas’ landslide victory, with the pair’s nearest competitor getting under a thousand votes.
Cllr David Williams came third with 527 votes, while Green Party founding member Clive Lord won just 173 votes – a sign of how far the party has shifted in recent years given his environmental platform.
In the Deputy Leadership race, Amelia Womack won the election, securing 4,742 of first preference votes in the first round, before winning 53% in the third round when preferences were re-distributed under the Alternative Vote ballot.
Surprisingly, former Deputy Leader Shahrar Ali came third with 1,716 votes in the first round to Kirklees councillor Andrew Cooper’s 1,778.
Alan Borgars and Storm Poorun were then eliminated, followed by Daniella Radice, leading Womack to win 53% in the third and final round – 6,061 votes to 2,308 for Andrew Cooper and 2,240 for Shahrar Ali.
Bright Green will be covering the rest of the conference over the weekend – including the full results and breakdown of the Green Party Executive vote.Â
Wow good members website skills there. Just to point out Clive was purely the citizens income candidate and one of the oldest members
“figures obtained by Bright Green” (by looking on the members website..)
how many voted RON?
Just 306 in the leadership election (so much for that RON campaign!) and a mere 44 in the deputy leadership election.
Only one deputy as co-leaders elected
You’ve jumped to a conclusion without any evidence.
You assert that the lack of votes for Clive Lord is a sign of how far the party has shifted. You could have taken another wild-guess-without-any-supporting-evidence and said that people didn’t vote for Clive Lord because they didn’t want him to be leader. Or because they didn’t like him. Or because they’d never heard of him. Or because he was a white, elderly male. Or because…etc etc. Those assertion would have been equally (in)valid.
I was so glad yesterday Amelia Womack was reelected! 😀
Welcome back Caroline & jonathon also, ditto for Amelia but who else for deputy??
If co-leaders are elected there is only one deputy.