Womack and Omond offer inspirational leadership
Today is the final day to vote in the Green Party’s leadership by-election. Which option will give the party the best chance of maximising its influence and impact?
The coming years are a crucial time for the green movement. We know that the clock is ticking and time is running out for us to address the climate emergency. We know that our communities are at breaking point, suffering the consequences of eleven years of Tory-led government. Meanwhile, the official opposition seems to be imploding, with no clear direction and seemingly little appeal for voters.
The Green Party is arguably needed more than ever and our leadership team play a key role; motivating, empowering and amplifying the work of members and volunteers whilst also acting as spokespeople and advocates, building a broad movement and winning over those who have lost faith in the ‘big two’ parties.
I believe that part of the Green Party’s unique appeal is in our ability to work both inside and outside the system to effect positive change, whilst also recognising that the system itself needs to be radically reconstructed at the same time!
Although our party has made huge electoral advances at local government level, we also recognise the power of direct action, especially when considering the failings of our electoral system. We need a leadership team with the experience of using a variety of approaches to achieve maximum impact. A leadership team that can build a broad, inclusive base of support both in the party and with the wider public. I believe that one of the options in this leadership election is uniquely well-placed to deliver this approach.
I was really excited, inspired and encouraged to learn that Tamsin Omond and Amelia Womack were standing as potential co-leaders of the Green Party of England and Wales. I feel that they make a fresh, vibrant and energetic team with the complementary set of skills and experiences that our party needs, to grow its impact and influence at this crucial time.
Amelia has a proven track record at the heart of the leadership team for the last seven years. A time during which the party has seen a huge increase in members, votes and elected representatives. Amelia has been there every step of the way, empowering, enthusing and encouraging local parties all across England & Wales.
Tamsin has done incredible work both inside and outside of the party over the last ten years, serving on the party executive, standing as a parliamentary candidate and helping to build numerous groups dedicated to tackling the climate crisis, through community organising and direct action.
They both have an engaging and persuasive media presence and have proven their skills in bringing people round to Green ideas and advocating for Green policies.
At this time, we need a leadership team that has the potential to appeal not just to party members, or those already engaged in politics. When I reflect on the number and range of endorsements that Tamsin and Amelia have attracted in a few short weeks, their potential to build our party’s wider appeal becomes clear.
The list of Green Party Councillors, group leaders, council leaders, MSPs, former MEPs, Assembly Members, Local Party Coordinators, Young Greens and liberation group officers supporting them is impressive. What I wasn’t expecting was the number of influential figures outside the party vocally supporting Tamsin and Amelia – from George Monbiot and Peter Tatchell, to influencers in film, media and music. Figures like Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien, The Subways’ Billy Lunn, film-maker Jack Harries and singer/model/actor Cara Delevingne.
It is clear that Amelia and Tamsin are offering something exciting and inspirational, capturing the attention of a whole new group of potential voters, activists and members.
I believe Tamsin and Amelia have the imagination and ambition to amplify the work of dedicated Green Party members like you and me, to put the party in a position to make the changes our societies and our word so urgently need. If you haven’t yet voted, please consider making Amelia and Tamsin your first preference for Green Party co-leaders.
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