Young Greens back exam board strike
The Green Party of England and Wales youth and student wing – the Young Greens – has come out in support of the ongoing strike of workers at the exam board AQA. Staff at AQA have been on strike over pay since August 17, with the walkout planned to continue until August 28.
The workers are represented by public sector union UNISON, who have rejected a 3 per cent pay offer. With inflation running at more than three times that amount – the offer from the employer is a significant real terms pay cut. Staff at AQA received a 0.6 per cent pay rise last year, again representing a real terms pay cut.
UNISON has alleged that staff have been threatened with dismissal if they refuse to accept the pay deal.
The Young Greens has said that all students benefit when those working within the education sector are valued and paid a fair wage.
Finn White, Under 18s Officer for the Young Greens, said, “I want to express my full solidarity with striking workers at AQA. There may be disruption to my own exam results; people working hard for exam boards deserve respect and decent pay.”
Dylan Lewis Creser, Young Greens Equality and Diversity Officer, said, “As a student who has sat their A-levels this year (two of which with AQA), I understand the frustration this may cause; but we must remember that the greater good is that of the workers and we will get our results in time.”
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