Green Party equality and diversity coordinator candidates in race for endorsements
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales are currently voting to elect a new equality and diversity coordinator. The by-election for the post comes after the Electoral Returning Officer identified breaches of the election rules when the post was being elected in the annual ballot alongside other positions on the Green Party Executive.
Two candidates are in the running – Kefentse Dennis is up against the job share ticket of Ria Patel and Kelsey Trevett.
Patel and Trevett have revealed that they have received the support of 16 prominent councillors from across the country. Among those confirmed to be endorsing the pair are former party co-leader Sian Berry, London Assembly member Caroline Russell and the party’s migration spokesperson Benali Hamdache.
Speaking to Bright Green on her decision to support Patel and Trevett, Berry said: “I have worked with Ria and Kelsey on campaigns and internal governance issues and their ethos, Green values and work ethic are so clear and strong. We have so much to say and do for inclusive equality and this is the right team to lead this work.”
Their rival has also picked up some high profile endorsements too. Jenny Jones – one of the two Greens in the House of Lords – has backed Dennis, as have party spokespeople Amanda Onwuemene and Pallavi Devulapalli.
Confirming her support for Dennis, Onwuemene tweeted: “I’m supporting Kefentse because he is focused on getting all members of the party working together and on embedding the recommendations of the Diverse Matters Report.”
The full list of councillors publicly endorsing Patel and Trevett is as follows: Ekua Bayunu, Manchester City Council; Sian Berry, Camden Borough Council; Alastair Binnie-Lubbock, Hackney Borough Council; Emma Edwards, Bristol City Council; Katherine Foxhall, Vale of White Horse Council; Zoë Garbett, Hackney Borough Council; Benali Hamdache, Islington Borough Council; Maleiki Haybe, Sheffield City Council; Nate Higgins, Newham Borough Council; Raphael Hill, Brighton & Hove Council; Jamie Osborn, Norwich City Council; Lucy Pegg, Oxford City Council; Martin Phipps, Sheffield City Council; Rosie Rawle, Oxford City Council; Catherine Rowett, Norfolk County Council; Caroline Russell, Islington Borough Council.
Voting closes in the by-election on October 31.
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Image credit: Matthew Phillip Long – Creative Commons
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