Green Party equality and diversity coordinator candidates in race for endorsements
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales are currently voting to elect a new equality and diversity coordinator. The by-election for the post comes after the Electoral Returning…
5 steps the Green Party needs to take towards racial justice
Ria Patel and Kelsey Trevett are standing in the by-election for the Green Party's equality and diversity coordinator. This article is published as part of their campaign. Voting is open…
Kelsey Trevett and Ria Patel: Why we want to be the Green Party’s equality and diversity coordinator
In August 2023, members of the Green Party of England and Wales will vote to elect new members of the Green Party Executive (GPEx). Bright Green intends to interview all…
EXCLUSIVE: Kelsey Trevett and Ria Patel to stand to be Green Party equality and diversity coordinator
Nominations for this year's elections to the Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) close at 12pm June 30. With less than 24 hours to go, the field of…
I’m committed to building a Greener London
Bright Green is offering all the candidates standing to be on the Green Party’s list for the 2024 London Assembly election the opportunity to set out why they are standing…
Five new Green Party spokespeople announced
The Green Party of England and Wales has announced five additions to its spokesperson team. Four of the additions are replacements for previous spokespeople, in the transport, global justice, housing…
London Green Party votes for motion reaffirming commitment to trans rights
London Green Party members this evening reiterated their commitment to fighting for trans rights. Members voted for a motion which stated the regional branch of the Green Party of England…