Green Party urges government to launch urgent international peace effort for Gaza
The Green Party has urged the government to launch an urgent international peace effort to end the Israel Gaza war.
Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: “The horrific loss of Israeli civilian lives on October 7 has been compounded by months of devastation for the people of Gaza and the Occupied West Bank, leading to over 23,000 deaths and the escalating risk of wars spreading through the region.
“Now is the time to search for new peace initiatives that can break this cycle of pain and create the conditions for a lasting peace in the region.
“We need the UK government to work to restore trust in the international institutions designed to protect people and that offer peaceful, legal and diplomatic avenues to end conflicts.
“Of course, it is for the Israeli and Palestinian peoples to agree the long-term solutions that will offer each security and peace.
“However, the UK government can do much more now to encourage that process to begin.”
The Green Party is calling on the government to:
- Unequivocally back an immediate ceasefire to allow the free flow of humanitarian aid, free the hostages and create space for dialogue
- Support the UN General Assembly in its overwhelming backing for a ceasefire and use its position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to vote for rather than abstain on ceasefire votes
- Support the role of the International Criminal Court in its investigation of war crimes, including the use of sexual violence by Hamas and disproportionate use of force by the Israeli government
- Support South Africa in its decision to ask the International Court of Justice to rule on whether Israel is carrying out genocide in Gaza.
- Help reduce military action by suspending arms sales to Israel
Denyer continued: “By supporting international institutions and encouraging peaceful solutions, the UK government can act as a partner for peace rather than a proponent for further pain and suffering for the people of the region.
“It will take courage and determination to change course and recognise that UK foreign policy is failing to bring this conflict to an end, but a change of course now, can help chart a new path to peace.”
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