It’s time for left wing independents to join the Green Party
This country needs the Green Party. Inequality is surging, living standards are collapsing, and while millions struggle, billionaires thrive. After years of Conservative mismanagement, they’re finally out—but the damage remains.…
Labour represents the status quo. The Green Party is the real opposition to the Tories.
The Tories are descending to new lows as their policies no longer simply flirt with far right politics - but proudly contravene human rights conventions and flaunt it. Yet the…
I want to make London the Greenest city in the world
Bright Green is offering all the candidates standing to be on the Green Party’s list for the 2024 London Assembly election the opportunity to set out why they are standing…
As deputy leader of the Green Party, I will fight for environmental, racial, social and economic justice
This is the moment the Green Party has to break through - the country needs us to. During my campaign to be deputy leader, I often said there’s no environmental justice…
The Green Party needs to get serious about antisemitism
Motion D4 at the Green Party of England and Wales online Autumn conference calls for the party to adopt new guidance on antisemitism into its of code of conduct. The…
Tackling diversity, climate change, housing and knife crime: Zack Polanski for Green London Mayoral and Assembly List Candidate
Zack Polanski In 2020, London will go to the polls to elect a new Mayor and members of the London Assembly. The London Green Party are now in the process…