Austerity isn’t good for the economy, young people – or anyone else
Georgia Elander, a member of the Young Greens' National Executive, explains how the government's programme of austerity is hurting young and everyone else. George Osborne’s Autumn Statement was, if nothing…
Dust. Settled. Go Scotland: a 7 item to-do list
For two years up to September the country was in fever pitch with friends, colleagues, families and strangers debating and cajoling each other on every issue we have. It was…
Farage, Greens and the culture war
UKIP protestors in May 2014. Image: Gordon Maloney. “I'm not particularly bothered by it, but I know a lot of people do feel very I mean, look, it's just a…
“Get Organised!” – why young workers should join trade unions
Georgia Elander explains why it's important for young workers to join trade unions, and discusses Young Greens' new Get Organised! campaign, which had its first national week of action last…
Natalie Bennett: Cameron is pandering to UKIP on immigration
Cameron's calls for even harsher immigration and welfare rules put him at odds with Germany's Angela Merkel - and any ideas of European unity. Natalie Bennett was spot on in…
Darren Hall on the three horse race in Bristol West
Many see Bristol Greens' Darren Hall as a potential winner in next year's General Election. With less than six months until the next General Election, the campaign is in full…
The Hong Kong test
One thing China has in common with the UK is four football teams. China, like Scotland, is older than the concept of “nation-state”. But whereas the Scots held a referendum…
The time has come for a living rent
Image: Living Rent Campaign (Scotland). With a media heavily focussed on interest rates and property prices, it can be easy to forget that it is private renters who are on…
Natalie’s Train Ride: The Potency of Eco-Individualism
Natalie Bennett with 'renationalise the railways' poster and Green PPC Tony Mabbott. Photo: Leighton Buzzard Observer Adam Ramsay writes on why the Evening Standard's attack piece on Natalie Bennett taking a train…
#RIC2014 Reflections: “You Lost. Get Over It”
Image: Amanda Grimm. #RIC2014 on Bright Green: Read more reports and reflections from the event, watch all the sessions online, or visit the Radical Independence website. Yesterday I and 3,000…