Four steps we can take for a more equal, diverse and inclusive Green Party
Ria Patel and Kelsey Trevett are standing in the by-election for the Green Party’s equality and diversity coordinator. This article is published as part of their campaign. Voting is open to…
‘Every government, every politician and every activist must be straining every sinew to secure a ceasefire’: Benali Hamdache’s speech to the Palestine Solidarity demonstration in London
On October 21, 300,000 people marched in London to demand an end to the war in Gaza. The demonstration was organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Stop the War…
The Green League: Who are the Greens with the biggest social media following? – October 2023
Every month Bright Green takes a look at Greens on social media, breaking down who has the most followers in the UK’s Green Parties with a rolling league table. We…
I can bring transparency, impartiality, professionalism and diversity to the Green Party
Kefentse Dennis is standing in the by-election for the Green Party’s equality and diversity coordinator. This article is published as part of his campaign. Voting is open to party members…
5 steps the Green Party needs to take towards racial justice
Ria Patel and Kelsey Trevett are standing in the by-election for the Green Party's equality and diversity coordinator. This article is published as part of their campaign. Voting is open…
5 things to look out for at Green Party conference
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales are meeting in Brighton for their autumn conference this weekend. This could be the party's final conference before the next general…
Jeremy Corbyn standing for London Mayor could save the Tories
Rumours abound that Jeremy Corbyn could run for London Mayor in May 2024. There is a logic to this. A previous leftist carved out by a Blair leadership, Ken Livingstone,…
What’s gone wrong for offshore wind in the UK?
There are various responses to disaster. Last week, the government announced the UK contracts for difference auction which would contract any offshore wind production, equivalent to a third of the…
The Green League: Who are the Greens with the biggest social media following? – September 2023
Every month Bright Green takes a look at Greens on social media, breaking down who has the most followers in the UK’s Green Parties with a rolling league table. We…
Energy bills: Will they stay high forever?
Why are energy prices so high? That was a question that crossed the lips of many of us over the last year - often shortly after receiving an bill. The…