2011 Election Night Liveblog
Tonight we’re going to try something different (well, for us) here at Bright Green and attempt to live blog the results of today’s elections as they come in. It’s not…
Get out the vote week
They say that history is made by the people who turn up. Surely though, if anyone makes history, it is those who ensure that people turn up. And this week,…
AV Referendum: Tories Abuse History. Will History Abuse the Tories?
Britain has not always had a first-past-the-post system, and voters usually had multiple votes. Any claims that AV runs against the history of Parliament or British voting is as misleading…
Small parties, but not extremists, benefit from AV
A guest post by Rupert Read. As a Green Party activist, I am passionate about changing our world for the better, and changing it soon. That’s the first reason why…
Why I’m voting yes to AV (and you can forget your crystal ball)
As I've mentioned here before, the voting system is only a small part of the democratic reform we need. But is is an important one. And this May, we will…
Liberal Democrats vote against PR
If you ever had any trouble understanding what the Liberal Democrats stood for, one thing was always certain: the Lib Dems are for PR. The Liberal Democrats, it may charitably…
Conference Fragments – Backing the AV Bandwagon
in our first of a series of conference fragments, Spin Pitman is glad he was persuaded to back AV At the Green Party autumn conference last weekend we passed a…
Conference so far…
The weekend of conference so far has been pretty packed - motions, workshops, plenaries, etc. The theme for Saturday was essentially cuts and credit crunch. In the morning, the party…
Sunny Hundal – why Greens should back AV
The Green Party conference will vote on whether to support a Yes vote in the AV referendum. Nishma Doshi argued against. Here, Sunny Hundal argues that we should. The history…
Shedding the AV mask: lessons from Australia
By Nishma Doshi. This is the first in our series in the run up to the Green Party conferences, where, among other things, Green Party of England and Wales policy…