Privatising profit and socialising risk
This is essentially the modus operandi of the modern western government: to promote the interests of corporate gloabalisation and to offload the risks onto the people. This has manifested itself…
US Uncut – James Meredith didn’t sit quietly, and neither can we
Carl Gibson is the founder of US Uncut and CIVIL USA, the US Uncut chapter in Jackson, Mississippi. On the night before James Meredith was admitted to the University of…
Call to Action – US Uncut, Washington DC Chapter
Call to Action US Uncut, DC Chapter February 15, 2011 US Uncut DC is calling on you to join a series of protests that link the avoidance of taxes by…
We remember, Mr Cameron
I was asked to write a post for UKUncut on the new campaign on banks. This was it. "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against…
RBS: Oil Bank of Scotland to Green Investment Bank?
As Richard Murphy has already pointed out, the FT has two bank related stories today - one saying that the Treasury hopes RBS will be privitised next year. The other…
The People’s Bank; a way out of the current crisis for Britain – and Ireland
By Rupert Read The Dail voted through Ireland’s Euro-bailout package. The Irish Greens wanted an election in January: they haven’t got it. But Cowen, the Irish PM, did say in…
Why I superglued myself to the Royal Bank of Scotland
Scotland is a country deeply associated with standing up for the underdog and challenging injustice. This is reflected in steps to become a Fairtrade nation, to build closer links with…
Philippe Legrain at the Edinburgh Book Festival
A vision of a world fairer, safer, richer and greener. Thomas Friedman says the world is flat - Philippe Legrain doesn't think so. What matters most to how you do…
Why make RBS back small businesses, but not renewables?
There is much to write about yesterday’s budget, but I thought I would highlight just one paradox – one I genuinely don’t understand. Alistair Darling announced a £1bn fund for…
Why I’m not complaining (much) about Vice Chancellors’ pay
The annual story about university Vice Chancellors' pay rises is in the papers again today. I have to admit that some of the stats are a little eye watering. The…