Doing things differently to make the Green Party thrive
Climate change is on the public agenda like never before. Last year, it was reported that a majority of the public now recognise the climate crisis as an “emergency” and…
Who will be the next leader of the Scottish Greens? – UK Green news round up week 26
Maggie Chapman and Patrick Harvie seek to continue leading Scottish Greens Image credit: YouTube screengrab and Ric Lander, Creative Commons Nominations for the Scottish Green Party's co-leader election closed this…
Green Party local election preview: Yorkshire
Local elections are right around the corner. Thousands of new councillors are set to enter local government in England and the north of Ireland. Nearly 200 Greens are currently elected…
Galloway’s win should be a wake up call to the left
This morning Ladbrokes will begin the biggest payout in British by-election history. George Galloway, who entered the race as a 33-1 outsider, has won the Bradford West election by a…