The Green campaign: 8 things the party did right
Over the coming weeks and months the Green Party, like all other political parties, will go through a process of reviewing our performance in the General Election. There are, no…
Graph: train fares rise while wages drop
Matthew is media officer to Green Party MEP Keith Taylor Campaigners and politicians joined forces across the country this morning as part of a protest against spiralling train fares. I…
Galloway’s win should be a wake up call to the left
This morning Ladbrokes will begin the biggest payout in British by-election history. George Galloway, who entered the race as a 33-1 outsider, has won the Bradford West election by a…
The end of opposition
Yesterday the official opposition gave up. In a packed room at The Insititute for Education Ed Balls finally confirmed what many of us have been thinking for a while: The…
Dick of the Year – The Landlady of the John Snow Pub, Soho
This is a nomination for the Bright Green dick of the year award 2011 from Matt Butcher. To nominate your own candidate, please email 200ish words to editors 'at' It…
Dick of the year – Melanie Philips
This is a nomination for dick of the year from Matt Butcher. You can submit yours by emailing 200 words to editors 'at' It's not original I know. And, being a…
Remembering the Victims of Road Traffic
The horrific crash on the M5 earlier this month was a stark reminder of the dangers of road travel- but it was by no means an isolated incident. The fact…
Freezing and fighting
As the sun began to go down this evening, and the warm autumn day faded into a cold night, most of us will have been sat comfortably at home relaxing…
The great train robbery – fighting unfair fairs
Much to the surprise of my instructor I recently passed my driving test. The idea is that, if push comes to shove and someone is ill or something needs transporting,…
Choosing to fight
On 31st May 2009 Dr George Tiller was shot dead by an anti abortion activist while serving as an usher in his local church in Wichita, Kansas. This was the…