Winning free bus travel for under 18s – UK Green news round up issue 50
Scottish Greens win free bus travel for under 18s Image credit: Creative Commons: Ric Lander The Scottish Green Party achieved a major victory this week. As part of its negotiations…
Four days until polling day – UK Green news round up weeks 48 & 49
Green Party would invest £12 billion in renewables Image credit: Creative Commons: GPEW The Green Party of England and Wales has this week fleshed out its proposals regarding renewable energy.…
Manifestos and pledges – UK Green news round up week 47
Greens launch radical manifesto Image credit: YouTube screengrab With the election less than three weeks away, all the major parties standing in England have now released their manifestos. First up…
Greens get General Election ready – UK Green news round up week 44
Isle of Wight Green Party boosted by Lib Dems standing down The campaign to elect the UK's second Green MP stepped up a gear this week. With the General Election…
Abolishing Brexit and the House of Lords – UK Green news round up week 42
Natalie Bennett starts time in House of Lords as she means to go on Creative Commons: Global Justice Now This week, Natalie Bennett formally joined Jenny Jones in the House…
The Green Party’s radical conscience – an interview with Alex Phillips MEP
Often political interviews are dull affairs. A politician runs through a series of rehearsed points, refusing to deviate from them. In some instances, they will have a staffer present, lingering…
We need a new, revolutionary democratic settlement
Tuesday’s Supreme Court judgement was a good one. After all, not only were the options made available to Boris Johnson as Prime Minister reduced, but the principle of legislative authority…
Greens join the Global Climate Strike – UK Green news round up week 38
UK Greens join the Global Climate Strike Image credit: Ellen Lees Friday 20 September saw the school climate strikes transform into a global general strike. Over 4 million people took…
Greens get ready for a General Election – UK Green news round up week 36
Amelia Womack calls for highest ever number of Green General Election candidates Image credit: Creative Commons: Krystyna Haywood With a snap General Election looming on the horizon, the Green Party…
Against rejecting society – why anti-science environmentalism, nature worship and eco-primitivism aren’t the answer
We all know the stereotype of a “hippie environmentalist”. Usually talking about healing crystals, peace and love, and the 60s and 70s. Most often they are presented as obsessed with…