We must cancel all debt in the Global South to end global inequality
Even before the spread of coronavirus around the world, dozens of countries in the Global South were close to, or in, a debt crisis. This year alone, Lebanon and Argentina…
Being debt campaigners in a world preoccupied with debt
By Alys Mumford DISCLAIMER: I work for Jubilee Scotland but am writing in my own capacity. The world is changing: debt and deficit are front page news, the general public…
Stop Lying About the Nation’s Credit Card
We’re making sure that this generation does not bankrupt the next. Not saddling them with our debts, not maxing out on the nation’s credit card, but building a better future for…
Bernie Sanders on the US debt debacle.
As the US Congress debates whether to accept a plan to cut $ in spending over 10 years, and raise not one cent in taxes on the rich, let's hear…
UK loses Zimbabwe payment record
By Tim Jones Part of my work at Jubilee Debt Campaign is to find out information about the debts owed to the shadowy Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) of the…
National Buy2Let Mortgage
We’ve all heard the Conservative/Lib-Dem analogy about thenation’s credit card. The coalition partners in Westminster love to accuse Labour of having built up the national debt as though they were…
Is the government making a profit on its debt?
The Bank of England's inflation report was out yesterday. It says that there's a good chance that inflation will hit 5% before the end of the year. The Consumer Price…
8 things about Britain’s debt
1) How big is it? We have had a higher debt: GDP ratio for 200 out of the last 250 years - historically, our debt is very small compared to…
Film: arguing against cuts
words by me, film by Miles Joseph
Anger of a Doomed Youth
Scenes of 18 year olds smashing the windows of the Tory Party HQ were not what I expected today. I expected it to be big - possibly the biggest demonstration…