New beginnings – UK Green news round up week 10
Alison Johnstone takes the Green group into First Ministers Questions for first time as leader of the Scottish parliamentary group Image credit: Creative Commons Edinburgh Green Party After becoming the…
Seven lessons from seven years in City Hall
I’ve been a Green Party member, activist and officer at local, regional and national levels for ten years. But the honour and joy of working full-time for two Green politicians…
Greens must get better at communicating our support for science
The Green Party is more pro-science than any other party. Party policy commits 1% of GDP to public funding for science research. Whilst Labour, Lib Dems and Tories increasingly demand…
Video: Pollution killing 4,000 Londoners a year
London's air quality has returned to the days of the smogs, and is causing the premature deaths of over 4,000 citizens per year, according to this campaign film released by…
London Greens endorse Ken for second preference votes
London Green Party and its Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones will recommend that supporters cast their second-preference vote for Ken Livingstone in the May election. Members made the decision after being…
An Open Letter to Jenny Jones
Dear Jenny, I’ve been following your thoughts on Twitter about yesterday’s select committee hearings which saw Andy Hayman and John Yates volunteer to open the parliamentary barbecue season. I sense…
Why did Jenny Jones want to stop the Police Investigation into ‘Phone Hacking?
Update: The newspaper article that contains the Jenny Jones quote is not from this week, but rather from over a month ago. I had it emailed to me, and assumed…
Jenny Jones will run for London Mayor in 2012
Three-term London Assembly Member Jenny Jones has been selected as the Green Party's candidate for Mayor of London. In a ballot of London party members, Jones received 458, or 66%,…
Potential Green candidates for London announced
The Green Party has announced the candidates in the running for nomination for Mayor of London and the London-wide Assembly list. The Greens currently have two Assembly members elected from…