Pippa Bartolotti fires starting gun on Green leader race
The Wales Green Party leader Pippa Bartolotti last night launched her bid for leadership of the whole England and Wales party, one of the first to do so after Caroline…
The real silent majority
NUS conference is coming up. Motions are being; drafted, circulated, proposed and seconded all the across the country. However, soon many of these excellent motions will fall foul of the…
Palestine: something has changed
A wise man once told me that in campaigning, what matters is the dynamic you create, the momentum you build. You can spend forever mapping what might happen next: you…
Edinburgh University students vote overwhelmingly for boycott of Israeli goods.
A motion to boycott Israel was overwhelmingly passed at the Edinburgh University Students Association (EUSA) General Meeting on Monday 14th March. In what was described as a ‘landslide’, the motion,…
Egypt: we can’t predict, so let’s dream
By Ben Young - a writer and campaigner living in York Last month, Palestine campaigners in York held a sombre discussion about what 2011 might hold for the Middle East.…
If the Planet had Been a Bank it Would Have Been Saved Years Ago – Scottish Greens Conference Day 2
The second and final day of Scottish Green Party Conference was marked by two fantastic speeches, and two debates on Greens’ participating in coalitions. The speeches one by Caroline Lucas…
Will Obama guaruntee Palestinian security?
So, Barack Obama has said he won't ask Netanyahu to do anything which compromises Israeli security. This initially seems a perfectly reasonable guarantee. But, the obvious question is, will he…
Union News
UCU We'll start with my own union, UCU, who's annual congress happened recently. I couldn't make it myself but as well as attacking the government's points based immigration system and…
Boycott: the strongest political act we have against Israel
On Saturday 5th June, somewhere between 3000 and 5000 people gathered in Edinburgh city centre to protest against the actions of the Israeli State. We were there because we are…
Demolishing Peace in Palestine…Tent by Tent
This piece is by guest writer Ruth Cape “We refuse to be enemies” is the sentiment upon which the ‘Tent of Nations’ project in Palestine is built. Painted on a…