Brexit is too dangerous to be left in the hands of the Brexiteers
Trying to reverse a democratic decision made at the ballot box is a waste of time and resources. Worse than that, it risks handing over the negotiations to the…
Lincoln SU votes to re-affiliate to NUS
The Yes campaign team at Lincoln. Photo credit: Bradley Allsop University of Lincoln Students' Union has become one of very few Students' Union to rejoin NUS after having voted…
#Brexit is not #Grexit
Mini Europe. Photo by Smabs Sputzer At the height of the financial crisis, it quickly became a cliché to declare that one’s country was not another. “Spain is not Greece”…
The Scottish Referendum shows it’s time to give 16 year olds the vote
Ross Greer, Green Party candidate for East Dunbartonshire and former Communities Coordinator for Yes Scotland, on how the Scottish Referendum shows that Scotland – and the UK – is ready…
Devo-Max was a perfect example of rotten Westminster politics
The referendum is over, and the no’s have won. With Cameron and Miliband trying to decide exactly what the no’s have won, now is a good time to very briefly…
Scottish independence would be good for the English left
No Labour government has relied on Scottish MPs to get into power. They have, however, relied on Scottish MPs to get right wing policies through. The former point may be…
Why I support Scottish independence
I'm a Scot living in Oxford. Every week now I seem to be asked my opinion on Scottish independence. And every time, when I say I support it, this elicits…
Time to open a Scottish consulate in Palestine?
One of the main differences between Scottish independence and devo-max is foreign policy. If the SNP are to make the case for independence, then they need to show that the…
Time to take Britain out of our greatness
This guest post from Anthony Barnett was first on Our Kingdom Alex Salmond’s Hugo Young lecture, delivered yesterday evening in King's Place, the Guardian's headquarters, was an enjoyable affair. It…
The Scottish Independence Debate and England
I’ve just finished listening to a particularly unenlightening discussion of the UK’s constitutional future on BBC Radio 4 and, once again, I’m left despairing at the shallowness of the analysis.…