Carla Denyer explains exactly why we need to end Right to Buy
The Green Party's co-leader Carla Denyer has branded the 'Right to Buy' scheme a "slum landlord's charter". She made the comments during an appearance on the BBC's flagship political discussion…
Former Labour staffer slams attack leaflet on Greens
The Labour Party's tactics in the local elections have come under fire from a key former party adviser. Andrew Fisher, who served as Direct of Policy for Labour from 2015-2019…
National Buy2Let Mortgage
We’ve all heard the Conservative/Lib-Dem analogy about thenation’s credit card. The coalition partners in Westminster love to accuse Labour of having built up the national debt as though they were…
I Thought Things Were Already Bad….
photo by bob the lomond via flickr The title to this blogpost comes from a member of the public who lives in the East End of Glasgow. Its taken from…