A 3 horse race? – Green Party leadership election round up issue 1
This article is the first in a weekly round up of news in the Green Party of England and Wales' 2021 leadership election. Every Monday until voting closes Bright Green…
Tina Rothery and Martin Hemingway to stand for Green Party leadership
Jonathan Bartley's resignation as co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales has triggered a leadership by-election. And this week, the first candidate has thrown their hat in the…
#BrightGreenDebates episode 3 highlights
In February, Bright Green launched a brand new series of events – the Bright Green Debates. Once a fortnight, Bright Green is bringing together leading figures on the left to discuss and debates the…
We’re standing for the Green Party Women committee because it needs an overhaul
Every political party needs a powerful and effective women’s group, and ours is no exception. Women entering politics face a toxic combination of barriers. Abuse and harassment of women —…
What I learnt from the Green Party leadership election, and what I’m doing next
My decision to run for leader was a spur of the moment decision, but one that’s been a couple of years in the making. It was motivated by the hundreds…
‘Credibility’ won’t be enough for the Green Party to deliver
Rosi Sexton has invigorated a leadership election in the Green Party of England Wales that was - for its last three outings - something of a coronation. It is clear…