Paradoxes of ‘prevent’
In what seems to be becoming my rather curious emerging role as Bright Green’s resident terrorologist, a few words are probably in order about the government’s new ‘Prevent’ strategy, released…
What Cameron and Willetts Really mean when they Attack Immigration and Feminism
Today David Cameron is indulging in some hardline populist rhetoric on immigration. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Conservatives need someone to blame for the failure of Thatcherism to…
Edinburgh University’s Princess Anne Own Goal
Earlier this month Edinburgh University chose to shoot itself in the foot. Given the chance to show how the University had changed, how it had moved away from its elitist…
It’s better to break the law than to break the poor
We need a little perspective before discussing the cuts. The fact of the matter is that the cuts will beyond any doubt kill people. M Harvey Brenner showed through his…
A year in the life of a scrounger
By Beth Tichborne **Trigger warning – neglect** Imagine that you’re put into a minibus one day and moved to a new house, in a new town where you don’t know…
Oh My God – on drugs and Ainsworth
What did Bob Drop? Oh My God! Bob Ainsworth, what were you thinking? You of all people; you who dwelt inside the bunkers that are the Home Office and the…