Green Party’s allies in Turkey call for international solidarity after headquarters set on fire
Diyarbakir HDP Meeting 5th June 2015. Photo by Dogan Ucar. The People’s Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey has called for international solidarity and support to bring peace to the country,…
My public school days and the building of upper class solidarity
To understand the British public school system, or certainly, the part of it in which I spent my teenage years, it is crucial to get your head around three things.…
Unpacking boxes
Liam Barrington-Bush is the author of “Anarchists in the board room – how social movements and social media can help your organisation be more like people” - which he wrote…
The Occupy Wall Street “We are the 99%” solidarity march
The NYPD is only a new acquaintance of mine. Forgive me for sounding pre-emptively judgmental. I’m not basing my expectations on the fact that I heard hundreds of people chanting…
Solidarity demo for imprisoned activist Edd Bauer
Edd Bauer, the 22 year old who is being held indefinately before trial for the 'crime' of hanging a banner off a bridge at the Liberal Democrat conference, will have…
Solidarity with the police
Over 2000 police officers today demonstrated their opposition to cuts to their pay. Their press release is below. Some don't feel it's appropriate to express solidarity with the police. Many…
‘Fight’ against the cuts will demand respect for difference
By Lisa Ansell - you can read her in The Guardian and she'll be one of the speakers at the Bright Green fringe at Green Party of England and Wales…
Why the Liberal Democrats were Always Going to Sell Out, and Why it’s not their Fault
The Liberal Democrats were always going to sell someone out. It’s not really a surprise that it was students. Explaining why the Liberal Democrats may seem like a good party…
Why Occupy in Scotland?
At on Wednesday around 200 students, workers and claimants occupied lecture theatre 2 in Appleton Tower in solidarity with occupations across the country. As I write this we're just settling…