The TEF: why it isn’t good enough
The word ‘EDUCATION’ written on the side of a dirty building. Photo by Alan Levine via Flickr () In December, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) released…
Lincoln SU votes to re-affiliate to NUS
The Yes campaign team at Lincoln. Photo credit: Bradley Allsop University of Lincoln Students' Union has become one of very few Students' Union to rejoin NUS after having voted…
Democracy and Direct Action: An interview with Edinburgh University's new student president James McAsh
In the same week that Peter McColl was installed as Rector of Edinburgh University, Bright Green's friend and occasional contributor James McAsh was elected as the new president of Edinburgh…
The real silent majority
NUS conference is coming up. Motions are being; drafted, circulated, proposed and seconded all the across the country. However, soon many of these excellent motions will fall foul of the…
Addressing the democratic deficit in student unions
I was suspended on the very first day of term from an elected representative position in the guild of students on the basis of my political campaigning and arrest. Despite…