Seven lessons from seven years in City Hall
I’ve been a Green Party member, activist and officer at local, regional and national levels for ten years. But the honour and joy of working full-time for two Green politicians…
BREAKING: Sian Berry to be Green’s London Mayoral candidate
The Green Party has announced that Sian Berry will be its candidate in the race for London Mayor and its top candidate for the London Assembly. The top three candidates…
Tom Chance: A Green London Mayor should be small business friendly
Tom Chance, one of the Green candidates for London Mayor, on his vision of how a Green Mayor should support small businesses and entrepreneurs. You can find more of Bright…
Bright Green’s guide to the Green London Mayoral candidates
Who will be the Greens' candidate for London Mayor next May? Photo: Wikimedia Who will be the Greens' candidate for London Mayor next May? Ahead of tomorrow's hustings for the…
Tom Chance: ‘Greens can take London back so housing is provided for the common good’
Tom Chance, standing for Green candidate for London Mayor, discusses how the Greens can solve the housing crisis in London. You can find more of Bright Green's coverage on next…
Green candidates for London Mayor line up for selection
Caroline Russell has today launched her campaign to become the Green Party candidate for the London Mayor in 2016, joining Sian Berry and Tom Chance, who have already announced their…