How Do We Stop The Student Loan Book Sell-Off?
The Gown student newspaper, November 1995. NUS call for a bank boycott over student loan privatisation plans. Not content with attacking current and future students, the Coalition government now…
BREAKING: AC Grayling resigns Humanist presidency over New College “controversy”
AC Grayling, the philosopher who has sparked protests with his proposed £18,000-a-year New College for the Humanities, has resigned as President of the British Humanist Association before even taking office.…
Greens Set the Agenda for Scottish Coalition Government
The Scottish Greens today set out their ‘red lines’ for any coalition. These lines are policies that the party won’t cross to enter government. it's almost certain the next Scottish…
The beginning of the end of the LibDems?
Extended post - words by Rupert Read photo, unknown (let us know if it's yours and we'll credit you). The last month of student protests, culminating in the Parliamentary vote…
MSPs will pay for students’ Green Party membership
The Green members of the Scottish Parliament, Patrick Harvie and Robin Harper, will pay membership subs for all students joining the Scottish Greens today and tomorrow. Students can join by…
We’re just getting started
This is just the start. Tonight's vote was a terrible blow to our generation - to our country's future. Our response may not have succeeded in preventing it. But we…
Students vs the asset strippers: who will win?
This post first appeared on the new anti-cuts site False Economy which I've been a little involved in, and which you have to check out. Two days ago, I stood…
Lib Dem hijack is coming from inside the building…
The National Union of Students is rightly celebrated this morning for hijacking the domain name and pointing it to their video documenting Nick Clegg's betrayal over tuition fees. But there's…
Time to Take a Stand: Oppose Uncapped Student Fees
How many Liberal Democrats does it take to screw in a light-bulb? They don't - they're too busy screwing their voters. In universities across the country, the Liberal Democrat's opposition…
Behind the Smokescreen on Student Fees
This guest post by the ever excellent Sarah Morrison first appeared at Nick Clegg told Britain that he wanted a “clean, open, plural politics that…you can put your faith in,”…