Another Higher Education Is Already Here – BEYOND TUITION FEES #8
Photo Credit: Rowan Gavin It is a time of extraordinary potential for change in UK Higher Education. Labour’s promise to end tuition fees has defied the critics and united…
Our views on war and terrorism need a drastic rethink
Photo credit: micagoto, Creative Commons. Wherever you look today there’s always a new article regarding terrorism. It’s taken hold of the public consciousness and has become a major concern for people…
Time to take Britain out of our greatness
This guest post from Anthony Barnett was first on Our Kingdom Alex Salmond’s Hugo Young lecture, delivered yesterday evening in King's Place, the Guardian's headquarters, was an enjoyable affair. It…
Three things about the independence referendum scrap
First: let's get one thing straight. Nations have a right to self determination in international law. David Cameron may quibble about the devolved powers of the Holyrood Parliament under the…
A dog’s dinner?
In publishing his proposals for Lords Reform, our Deputy PM invited constructive criticism of the proposals. He didn’t get it. Rather, he got a chorus of abuse from both the…
Independence is not the point
The debate around Scottish independence often seems to miss something: there is no such thing as an independent country. Britain, for example, is a member of the EU, the UN,…
8 things about Britain’s debt
1) How big is it? We have had a higher debt: GDP ratio for 200 out of the last 250 years - historically, our debt is very small compared to…
Event Horizon: Beyond the 2010 Election
You probably think you know the implications of the General Election. I think I know the implications, or at least some of them. But I’m not sure. And therein lies…
The Paisley Project Chuckles into Oblivion
So that's it. The end of the Paisley era. Finally the politician who dominated the political landscape of my childhood has decided to stand down. After over 40 years as…