Trade Union Votes Against Supporting Abuse Survivors
Unison, the UK's largest trade union, has today voted against believing women who report violence or abuse from men within the trade union movement. The union's national delegate…
Mean Girls: feminism, the internet, and being "nice"
This week I got into an argument in the comments of a blog post about rape allegations on another website. The location of this argument doesn't matter, and although most…
A Vegan Feminist's Response To The PETA Ad
Trigger warning: this post contains references to abusive relationships and sexual violence. What kind of man injures his girlfriend to the point where she can barely walk,…
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – review
Warning contains spoilers Steig Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy raised the bar for crime writers the world over. Part thriller, part noir and highly political, it gave us two enduring characters who…
Listen – Scottish Police Chair says reclaim the night message should be ‘drink less’
Update Note - upon further listening, the specific quote 'drink less, wear more' was not from the Police Fed Chair, but a caller-in (both Liz and I (Adam) were confused…