Are we seeing the end of coal?
Just a very brief post to say well done to Patrick Harvie for securing a vote in Holyrood against Hunterston coal power station – and to cross-party back-benchers for supporting him. Patrick writes about it himself, so I won’t repeat what he says.
But I will ask one question: with recent technological advances allowing access to vast new reserves of shale gas all over the world, and the very beginnings of politicians understanding how unacceptable coal is as a power source, are we at the beginning of the end for coal?
Let’s hope so – for people my age, it’s more important important for a comfortable retirement than is the pensions system…
It would be nice to see “the beginning of new thinking” across the boards, with sustainability ruling the decisions – not lobbies and banksters.
“This is the way the coal ends
This is the way the coal ends
This is the way the coal ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
(With quarter of a GW hour of generation capacity)”
– T.S. Elliot(ish)