Why I gate crashed the HMRC boss' dinner
Last week, some friends and I gate crashed a speech from the retired HMRC boss Dave Hartnett at the dinner at a tax dodgers conference. The video of our action went viral yesterday. Here are my thoughts on it.
I stood in local elections last year. If I had bought dinner and a drink for a potential voter, I would have broken the law. I would have been disqualified. If you buy some who has power over you nice things in the hope they will do you a favour, then this is bribery. It’s pretty simple. When black people do it in other countries, the British establishment rolls its eyes.
Dave Hartnett was, until the end of July, the UK’s senior tax collector. He was also the civil servant who was most wined and dined. Now, you can choose to believe one of two things. Either, the senior tax man has the most scintillating, entertaining dinner table chat of everyone at Whitehall… or there’s something else going on.
Now, look at the deals that Mr Hartnett has signed off on over the years: the £10 million he let Goldman Sachs off may seem a lot, but it is piffling next to the £6bn that Vodafone is said to have been allowed to scratch from their accounts. In total, the amount of tax owed by the extremely rich that Mr Hartnett has let slip through the net over the years he had his job must run to many billions of pounds.
I think it is fair to assume that his numerous invitations to these dinners are not the product of Mr Hartnett’s mastery of small talk… Or think about it from Mr Hartnett’s point of view. When we burst into the dining room, the people there were drinking port. I imagine it was pretty nice port. And if he is the most wined and dined civil servant, then I imagine this isn’t the first time he has accepted what is in effect a valuable gift from someone he is supposed to regulate. I imagine he has become a little accustomed to the life of the mega-rich.
There are various words for this process. One term sometimes used is ‘regulatory capture’: the regulator ends up too close to those they are regulating. But I like simple words. So I’ll go for ‘corruption’.
The impact cannot be underestimated: the lives ruined by government cuts, the gross inequality. The best evidence tells us that significant numbers will die as a result of austerity. We all know the stories – or if you don’t, then you need to start looking around you. It is important to remember that there are many, many reasons that this was a choice. None of these cuts are necessary. And the simplest reason to understand is that there is more than enough cash in the tax dodged through Dave Hartnett’s dodgy deals to pay for these cuts.
But there is something else that it is important to understand too. That there is a choice means that there are people who make these choices. And those people aren’t on a different planet, or even in a different country. But they get away with thinking that they are. They surround themselves with smokescreens to block out the poverty, and they congratulate themselves on their mutual genius. They flit from conference centre to hotel to air conditioned office, and they insulate themselves from the society they are wrecking.
But they share an island with us. They are not too far away. And once in a while, we get a chance to puncture their bubble: ideally, with mockery. Of course, social change is a complex process. It’s not enough to point and laugh at the elite. But it is necessary.
That’s why I showed up in a bow tie on Thursday in Oxford: to make fun of a man destroying lives with his corruption – not because what he is doing isn’t serious, but because it is, because laughing is the best way there is to undermine. What we couldn’t predict was the reaction. Robert Venables QC, host of the tax dodging conference we were disturbing, threatened to ‘set the dogs on us’, and called us ‘trespassing scum’. It was camera gold: his boiling rage showed how unused he is to being challenged, how unaccountable his life destroying industry is.
But whilst we laugh, we must remember the serious point here. My friend recently had her Tourette medicine cut. She now has regular involuntry sudden movements – ticks. She finds social interaction much more difficult: one of the richest countries on earth says it can no longer afford the drugs she needs. The people responsible for this are drinking fine port at a dinner near you, concocting their next assault on your friends.
Good writе-uρ. ӏ definitе&X6C;y appreciate
&X74;his webs&X69;te. &X4B;&X65;ep ωгi&X74;і&X6e;g!
Well done guys. Always good to see the rock lifted off the parasite scum.
Decent Daily Mail article (shock!):