Ecosocialism: Resource guide

To interrupt your mandated 2019 General Election content, we’ve put together a list of resources on ecosocialism. We’re hoping as part of our new culture section to keep producing these resource guides on a number of topics. If you have a particular topic you want covered, let us know. We don’t want to simply create a reading list of books to buy, but provide a mixture. Hence, we have some books, some articles, and videos. So without further ado let’s look at ecosocialism, a term thrown around a lot nowadays.
Ecosocialism – Five Books
- This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein. Perhaps the most well researched demonstration of how capitalism is unable to confront climate change. The starting point of mine and many others’ journeys.
- Molecular Red: Theory for the Anthropocene by McKenzie Wark. This work delights in bringing together many neglected aspects of left wing thought to apply them to environmental problems. Of particular use for those interested in radical theories of environmental knowledge.
- Marx’s Ecology by John Bellamy Foster. This book was key in attempting to rescue the reputation of Marx’s environmental thinking. Foster, through looking at Marx’s wider writings, argues that there is more ecology here than traditionally accepted.
- Ecofeminism as Politics: Nature, Marx and the Postmodern by Ariel Salleh. This book attempts to bring together different strands of feminist, socialist and environmental thought. Important contribution for what is an often male dominated area of politics.
- Climate Leviathan by Geoff Mann and Joel Wainwright. This excellent piece of political theory attempts to map the many routes out of climate chaos, some worse than others. Important reading for anyone interested in our planetary future.
Ecosocialism – Five Articles
- Why Ecosocialism? by Michael Löwy for Climate and Capitalism. This article is a good introduction to a number of elements of ecosocialist thought, especially in the noughties.
- Ecosocialists Believe the Only Way to Stop Climate Change Is to Abandon Capitalism by Kaleigh Rogers for Vice. This article from a US perspective provides a quick and accessible overview of the key ideas and impacts of ecosocialism.
- A Green New Deal Between Whom and For What? by Nicholas Beuret for Viewpoint. This article is rather heavy, with a lot of economics and theory. But it best situates and lays out current ecosocialist debates on the Green New Deal.
- There’s More to Life than This! An argument for joy, against economism by Josie Sparrow for New Socialist. A short article discussing how to approach interconnectedness and new ways of thinking about capitalism and the environment.
- DSA Ecosocialist Working Group: An Introduction. The introduction statement to what the Democratic Socialists of America consider ecosocialism. Accessible, important, and less than a couple of minutes to read.
Ecosocialism – Five videos
- This Changes Everything. This film was produced to accompany Klein’s book, it is available on a number of streaming services and covers the same ground if you are not a reader.
- What is Eco-Socialism? by Means TV. This short two minute video gives a powerful and concise argument for public ownership of energy infrastructure.
- Can Our Planet Survive Capitalism? by AJ+. This ten minute report gives an overview of many elements of current climate policy and science.
- Arundhati Roy: Capitalism Is “A Form of Religion” Stopping Solutions to Climate Change & Inequality by Democracy Now. This brief interview with the activist and writer Arundhati Roy touches on concerns about infinite growth under capitalism.
- Richard Wolff and Victor Wallis on Ecosocialism by Democracy at Work. This is another short two minute video that gives an introduction to what the key ecosocialist ideas consist of. It’s part of a longer interview on the same channel.
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