Exclusive: Over 1,000 people have joined the Green Party since election day
The Green Party of England and Wales is celebrating its second best set of local election results in its history. At the time of writing, the Greens have made net gains of 85 seats.
The Greens have also recorded their best ever result in Mayoral elections in London and Bristol. In Bristol, the Greens came second for the first time in any Mayoral election. In London, the Greens gained a seat on the London Assembly as Zack Polanski joined Sian Berry and Caroline Russell.
But it is not only in vote share and numbers of Councillors that the Greens have grown. Since election day on Thursday, over 1,000 new members have joined the party, Bright Green can exclusively reveal.
This membership surge is similar to that experienced by the party after the 2019 local elections. That year, the Greens added 700 new members in the two days following the election – at a rate of one new member every three minutes.
Speaking on the membership growth, Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack told Bright Green.
With record numbers of votes propelling us to England’s third party, and as the only growing party in Wales, more people than ever have signed up for the Green vision of the future. We are now saying, don’t just vote, join the Party and help us build a better future.
North of the border, the Scottish Green Party gained two seats in the Scottish Parliament. There are now a record 8 MSPs.
2019 saw the most Greens ever elected in a single set of local elections, when the party made 198 gains.
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Image credit: Krystyna Haywood – Creative Commons
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