Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter

The leaders of the Wales Green Party and Plaid Cymru have announced they are jointly forming a new forum to grow the case for Welsh independence. ‘Future Cymru Forum’ – the new body – will produce research and engage in consultation in order to ‘build a bridge of ideas to the future’. The two parties have said they will engage widely and work together to build the economic, social and environmental case for an independent Wales.

Announcing the creation of ‘Future Cymru Forum’ at the party’s Annual Conference, Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price said it was further evidence of a “genuine agenda of reaching out to others, across the party divide, to join hands to find a shared route to independence that will produce tangible benefits for all our people.”

According to the Greens and Plaid, the Forum will complement and support the work of other independence groups, and will seek to develop thinking on a new vision for what an independent Wales could look like in its first 15 years. High on the agenda of the new body will be considering and modelling how an independent Wales could create an alternative economic plan oriented towards environmental and public value and finance investment in the energy sector to tackle the climate crisis.  

Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price said, “The Future Cymru Forum will ensure that the case for Welsh independence continues to grow, both economically and environmentally. Both parties recognise the need to explore the key questions surrounding independence more deeply, including the central question of how a new Welsh economy would work. In tough times, working together can turn things around. Our aim is to build confidence in a flourishing independent future for Wales.

“If we are to win independence for Wales we need as broad an alliance of possible who share the vision of a nation that is fair, inclusive, diverse and green. The Future Wales Forum is another step towards realising that vision and ensuring that Cymru’s Future is in Cymru’s hands.”

“I strongly believe in a genuine agenda of reaching out to others, across the party divide, to join hands to find a shared route to independence that will produce tangible benefits for all our people.”

Anthony Slaughter, Wales Green Party leader said, “I hope that the aims of Future Cymru Forum – to develop economic and environmental plans for an independent Wales – will convince, inspire and enthuse many people across our nation that vision can become reality. Working together, we can show positive and hopeful alternatives to the destructive agenda pursued by the Tories in Westminster that is damaging people and planet alike.

“As more and more people are persuaded by the idea of independence as a means of securing a fairer and greener future, The Wales Green Party looks forward to working with Plaid Cymru to undertake the important research required to ensure that the case for our nation to stand on its own two feet is more compelling than ever before.”

The Wales Green Party is a semi-autonomous section of the Green Party of England and Wales.

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