Green Party wins two council by-elections in Worcester
The Green Party increased its representation in local government last week. Two by-elections in Worcester saw the Greens win seats from the Tories.
In Warndon Parish South for Worcester City Council, the Green Party’s Katie Collier picked up 53.7 per cent of the vote to win the seat. That saw the Green vote share increase an astonishing 36.2 percentage points.
A similar swing to the Greens was seen in the Warndon Parish division on Worcestershire County Council, where Andrew Cross was elected. Picking up 44.2 per cent of the vote to take the seat, the Greens’ vote share increased by 28.7 percentage points.
On the Green victories, Collier said, “I just want to thank everyone who helped to get Andrew and me elected. There were so many volunteers and campaigners who helped us. I’d like to give special thanks to the people of Warndon Parish South, who’ve allowed me to fight for a fairer, greener future here in Worcester.
“I’m delighted to be able to work alongside so many other Green councillors and can’t wait to start delivering for the fantastic people of Warndon Parish South and driving the change that they so deserve.”
Cross, who now sits on both Worcester City Council and Worcestershire County Council, said: “We’re thrilled with both results. The support we’ve received has been unbelievable, and now we’re in a position to repay that support with hard work and dedication, on both the city and county councils. We’re certainly not looking to rest on our laurels any time soon.”
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Image credit: Jon Craig – Creative Commons
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