Unions and students step up fight to save education
The fight to save public education in the UK took a step forward this week as two more unions declared ballot results in favour of strike action this Autumn. Yesterday…
Finding a sense of place: community, art and the UK riots.
What is it that makes a community? We talk a lot about communities in political discourse but to what do we actually refer when we use the term? After the…
Bernie Sanders on the US debt debacle.
As the US Congress debates whether to accept a plan to cut $ in spending over 10 years, and raise not one cent in taxes on the rich, let's hear…
Obama: Debt, Default and Betrayal
Last week Sunny told us that he was frustrated with people like Glenn Greenwald who think Obama is giving away too much in the current negotiations over the US debt…
Citoyens, vouliez-vous une révolution sans révolution?
There were two 'Reigns of Terror', if we could but remember and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passions, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted…
250,000 people on benefits to lose access to free education.
If you want to be educated don't be poor, don't be from an ethnic minority, don't be disabled and don't be a woman. That's essentially the message from new research…
Why I’m not Cheering the News of the World’s Demise.
So this Sunday's News Of The World will be the last, after over 150 years James Murdoch has announced that News International's biggest selling paper is to close. You'd think…
Tory MEPs wreck vote to upgrade EU emissions targets.
A report calling on the European commission to move "as soon as possible and before the end of 2011" to increase CO2 emissions reduction targets from 20% to 30% by…
The Real Pensions Crisis: the Problem of Surplus Capital Absorption
We are told today that we face a crisis. People are living longer, there is a demographic timebomb and, coupled with need to bring down deficit, we have no choice…