Scottish Greens call on next Westminster government to ban fossil fuel advertising
The Scottish Green Party has called for a ban on advertising for fossil fuels. The party's co-leader Lorna Slater issued the call at their campaign launch, where she also reiterated…
Scottish Greens call for decriminalisation of drugs
The Scottish Greens have today called for drugs to be decriminalised and for an end to what they call the 'failed' war on drugs. A policy of moving towards a…
Greens defend decision to impose candidates on local parties that wanted to stand aside
The Green Party of England and Wales has defended its decision to impose candidates in constituencies where local parties had not intended to stand in the general election. Bright Green understands…
Scottish Greens pledge to introduce Universal Basic Income pilots
The Scottish Greens have said they would introduce Universal Basic Income pilots in communities across Scotland. A Universal Basic Income is a mechanism that would provide everyone with a guaranteed…
Scottish Greens brand Labour’s commitment to nuclear weapons ‘obscene and immoral’
Labour's commitment to the UK's nuclear arsenal has been branded an 'obscene and immoral waste of money' by the Scottish Green Party. The party's external affairs spokesperson Ross Greer went…
Bombshell general election poll puts Greens in joint-third place
The general election campaign is in full swing and opinion polls are coming in thick and fast. One of the latest is from the polling firm Ipsos, and it suggests…
Greens slam Keir Starmer’s ‘divisive rhetoric’ on migration
The Green Party of England and Wales has heavily criticised the Labour Party's rhetoric and policy on migration. The Greens' co-leader Adrian Ramsay accused the Labour leader Keir Starmer of…
Scottish Greens call for end to minimum income requirements for migrants
The Scottish Greens have a called for an end to what they call 'punitive and cruel barriers' to migrants coming to the UK, branding minimum income requirements a 'love tax'.…
Former Labour minister Clare Short says she’s probably voting Green
The general election campaign is now in full swing, and it's been a rocky start for the Labour Party. Keir Starmer's party has faced allegations of trying to purge left…
Bright Green 2024 local elections live blog
PS. We hope you enjoyed this live blog. Bright Green has got big plans for the future to publish many more articles like this. You can help make that happen.…