Is a 2015 Scottish Labour wipe out on the cards?
The support for 'Yes' in some Labour heartlands, together with the recent success of the SNP, Scottish Greens and SSP in attracting new members has created some exited speculation about…
The Queen was not fit to be our Head of State during this debate. But what will we do with the castles?
It's time to start planning new uses for our Scottish palaces. Buckingham Palace, which, due to the embarrassing state of Britain is somehow still a relevant institution in this day…
The Scottish left needs to talk about collaboration, not another party
Greens campaigning in Norwich. Image: Norwich Green Party. In the last week, thousands of people have joined the Scottish Green Party and the SSP. Tens of thousands have joined the…
“Why further powers for Scotland won’t happen” or “How Labour sleepwalked into a fatal Tory trap”
In the end it was Mark Ballard who called it right. “With a couple of weeks to go there’ll be a poll putting Yes in front, then Cameron will come…
Some thoughts on the independence referendum
With due apologies for the click bait style of this post, being awake for too much of the past 2 days makes coherent blogging difficult! 1. The results show that…
The spoils of 308 years of struggle
This is the first of three referendum night blogs. Read the second and third. Last night, referendum eve, I was at a local Greenpeace talk with Benny Wenda, exiled West Papuan…
Greens are now building a genuine base
Deyika Nzeribe, chair of Manchester Green Party. Greens came second across Manchester in the local elections this week. When looking at the Green Party result today, there are two important…
Glasgow blows up the post war dream
The news that Glasgow is to celebrate the Commonwealth Games coming to the city by blowing up the Red Road flats tells us a great deal. It tells us about…
The UK the most successful political union in the world? don’t be silly
One line you often hear from Better Together activists is that the UK “is the most successful political union in the world.” This sort of rampant British nationalism always annoys…
Nelson Mandela: see the movement he personified as well as the great man
There’s not much that anyone can add to the massive outpouring of grief and admiration for Nelson Mandela. His status as the greatest secular saint of our era becomes clearer…