Scottish Greens call for free school meals and bus fare cap
The Scottish Government must deliver bold action to cut the cost of living if their budget is to gain the support of the Scottish Greens, the party’s finance spokesperson Ross…
New campaign calls for public control of buses in Strathclyde
Trade unions have joined forces with environmental and health charities to launch a campaign calling for buses in Strathclyde to be taken into public control. The campaign - Better Buses…
The surprising benefits of greener travel
The family and I have been on a journey towards to greener travel. About 18 months ago we traded in two old petrol vehicles, for one multi-purpose electric vehicle for…
A better future for transport after the pandemic?
The government is worried that as the economy recovers this year, “the move away from public transport during the crisis will cause unmanageable levels of car traffic, slowing some areas…
Greens reiterate calls for Universal Basic Income – UK Green news round up issue 59
Greens reiterate calls for a Universal Basic Income Image credit: Bristol Green Party and Callum MacLellan Photography - Creative Commons With the latest government announcements providing little alleviation of lockdown,…
Free public transport: why the Scottish Greens’ win is the first step to creating a new economy
Greens have won free bus transport for under-18s as part of the Scottish Budget process. It’s a big win, but the story behind it shows some really important things about…
Scotland’s transport system needs a radical overhaul
Radical transformation of transport will have to form the bedrock of any meaningful response to the climate emergency. Transport is the single biggest source of net carbon emissions in Scotland…
Why the Green Party is calling for free bus travel for everyone
The Times’s Matt Chorley wrote his Red Box column for today before reports started to came out from Green Party conference - including the new plan for free bus travel…
Fighting privatisation, from buses to schools – UK Green news round up week 24
John Finnie celebrates victory that could transform bus services in Scotland Image credit: YouTube screengrab This week, the Scottish Parliament made an historic decision. It voted to accept amendments to…
The fight for Better Buses means a better democracy
Patrick Harvie, Glasgow's Green MSP, has launched a new campaign for the interests of the city's bus users, Better Buses. Harvie said at the launch of the site: Motorists have…