Gordon Brown’s proposals on democratic reform are a step forward, but don’t go far enough
On the third episode of #BrightGreenLive, our editor Chris Jarvis interviewed Unlock Democracy director Tom Brake. He explained the detail of Gordon Brown's report, why proportional representation is important and…
Less confrontational, more diverse and more nuanced politics: Caroline Russell on PR in London
London Assembly Member and Islington councillor Caroline Russell has a unique perspective on Britain’s elections – she is elected with First Past the Post on Islington council, and a proportional…
Abolishing Brexit and the House of Lords – UK Green news round up week 42
Natalie Bennett starts time in House of Lords as she means to go on Creative Commons: Global Justice Now This week, Natalie Bennett formally joined Jenny Jones in the House…
Why abolishing the Home Office must be stage one in remaking the British state
In his speech at the Green Party's Autumn Conference last Friday, Jonathan Bartley caught the attention of journalists and pundits with a singular demand: abolish the Home Office. It is…
Boris Johnson has taken a wrecking ball to democracy – but we can fix it
Parliament has just won the first step in wrangling power away from Boris Johnson - the weakest leader we have ever experienced - who has been taking a wrecking ball…
Johnson’s shut down of parliament is the tip of the democratic crisis iceberg
On Wednesday we learnt that Boris Johnson intends to shut down Parliament for five weeks in order to force through a disastrous no-deal Brexit. This week opposition parties met to…
Taking the crisis seriously – Greens and a progressive alliance
If politics moves from the edges, then the Green parties of these islands have, in many ways, had outrageous success over the last decade. In 2017, a Labour party which…
To truly change politics, the House of Lords has got to go
Creative Commons: vgm8383 There is “one practical question: where does power lie…how can it be attained by the workers?” Nye Bevan, 1952, ‘In Place of Fear’ For too long, Westminster’s…
Democratic reform must become one of the Green Party’s top priorities
There’s a temptation to believe as Greens that no amount of campaigning will convince the two largest parties – the Tories and Labour – to embrace democratic reform. As a…
Politicians vs Representative Democracy
Democracy noun, a form of government in which the people have a voice in the exercise of power; typically through elected representatives. Origin: Greek demokratia, from demos 'the people' +…