As deputy leader of the Green Party, I will fight for environmental, racial, social and economic justice
This is the moment the Green Party has to break through - the country needs us to. During my campaign to be deputy leader, I often said there’s no environmental justice…
Zack Polanski elected deputy leader of the Green Party
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales have elected Zack Polanski as their new deputy leader. Polanski currently sits on the London Assembly, and becomes only the fifth…
Three Green Party deputy leadership candidates sign LGBTIQA+ Greens pledges
Voting is now open in the Green Party of England and Wales deputy leadership election. There is, however, still a month long window for the candidates to make their case…
Exclusive: Over 1,000 people joined the Green Party in July
The Green Party of England and Wales has had a surge in membership, with over 1,000 people joining the party in July. A total of 1,076 people joined in the month.…
Zack Polanski would use his platform as Green Party deputy leader to support trans liberation
I wasn’t alive in the 1980s. I don’t remember the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, or the millions of global deaths due to a public health approach tarnished by homophobia.…
It’s time for the Green Party to break through – Interview with Zack Polanski
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new deputy leader this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
Caroline Lucas reveals who she’s backing in the Green Party deputy leadership election
There are just three days until members of the Green Party of England and Wales begin voting to elect a new deputy leader. Yesterday, Zack Polanski's bid for the deputy…
The Green Party must be a radical, left wing, eco-socialist party – Interview with Tyrone Scott
Members of the Green Party of England and Wales will be electing a new deputy leader this summer. As part of Bright Green's coverage of the elections, our editor Chris…
Zack Polanski accuses Shahrar Ali of ‘siding with Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’ on trans rights
The Green Party of England and Wales' deputy leadership election is now in full swing, with a number of hustings taking place over the past week. On Tuesday, over 150…
Zack Polanski deputy leadership bid endorsed by entire Wales Green Party leadership team
Voting opens in the Green Party of England and Wales deputy leadership election on August 1. With three weeks for the four candidates to convince voters to get behind them,…