Exclusive: Over 1,000 people joined the Green Party in July
The Green Party of England and Wales has had a surge in membership, with over 1,000 people joining the party in July. A total of 1,076 people joined in the month.
A spokesperson for the party told Bright Green that new members have been most likely to give one of two reasons for joining. The first is the climate crisis in the aftermath of record breaking temperatures in the UK. The second is the party’s support for public ownership of public services. This comes as the Labour Party confirmed it has abandoned its commitment to bring key services into public hands.
Speaking on the growth in membership, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay told Bright Green that it is “obvious to more and more people” that the Greens offer “joined up solutions” to the environmental, economic and social crises currently facing the UK. Ramsay said,
It’s great to see so many people joining the Greens at this crucial time.
It’s clear that increasing numbers of people are seeing that the multiple crises we face are all interlinked. Whether it’s the cost-of-living crisis, action on the climate crisis, or our commitment to public ownership of essential services, it’s obvious to more and more people that it is the Green Party that offers joined up solutions.
We are at a pivotal moment for the party, and I want to welcome all the new members as we look forward to electing more MPs and councillors across the country.
This surge in membership has been taking place concurrently with increasing support for the Greens among the public. Recent opinion polls have found that support for the Greens among the public now stands at between 5 and 8 per cent.
All members of the party who joined before 12pm on July 31 will be eligible to vote in the deputy leadership election currently taking place. With turnout in Green Party internal elections notoriously low, the influx of new members could have a tangible impact on that contest. In 2021, just 11,000 members voted in the leadership by-election. A year earlier, there were only 6,459 votes cast in the 2020 deputy leadership election.
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Image credit: YouTube screengrab
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