Young Greens pass motion calling for termination of Shahrar Ali’s appointment as Green Party spokesperson
Pressure is intensifying on the Green Party of England and Wales over the appointment of its policing and domestic safety spokesperson Shahrar Ali. On July 18, the party's youth and…
Greens mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia – UK Green news round up issue 60
Greens mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. The day is designed to raise awareness of the issues facing…
“What history have they got?”
It's last thing in the afternoon, and I can hear one of my officemates huffing away to himself in disbelief. “Did you see that e-mail from HR?” he asks. ""…
Dick of the Year – The Landlady of the John Snow Pub, Soho
This is a nomination for the Bright Green dick of the year award 2011 from Matt Butcher. To nominate your own candidate, please email 200ish words to editors 'at' It…
Northern Ireland – Still The Worst Region of the UK to be LGBT
Last Saturday saw Belfast’s annual Pride parade take to the streets. It’s a celebration that will be familiar to many cities across the world. It’s a lively day with an…