5 steps the Green Party needs to take towards racial justice
Ria Patel and Kelsey Trevett are standing in the by-election for the Green Party's equality and diversity coordinator. This article is published as part of their campaign. Voting is open…
Kelsey Trevett and Ria Patel: Why we want to be the Green Party’s equality and diversity coordinator
In August 2023, members of the Green Party of England and Wales will vote to elect new members of the Green Party Executive (GPEx). Bright Green intends to interview all…
EXCLUSIVE: Kelsey Trevett and Ria Patel to stand to be Green Party equality and diversity coordinator
Nominations for this year's elections to the Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) close at 12pm June 30. With less than 24 hours to go, the field of…
Under 30s are a ‘generation of insecurity’, Young Greens co-chairs tell Green Party conference
Young people under the age of the 30 are a 'generation of insecurity', members of the Green Party of England and Wales were told at their biannual conference. These comments…
Full list of candidates for Young Greens executive election announced
Between 26 June and 9 July, members of the Green Party of England and Wales' youth and student wing - the Young Greens - will vote to elect a new…
New Young Greens executive elected
Members of the Young Greens - the Green Party of England and Wales' official youth and student wing - have been voting to elect a new executive over the last…
We need to transform the Young Greens’ energy into action
The government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has, for those who have kept a close ear to the ground over the past decade, taught us as many lessons as those…