No silver lining: The ugly truth about Canadian mining in Oaxaca, Mexico and beyond
Jen Wilton and Liam Barrington-Bushreport from San José del Progreso, Oaxaca, Mexico In a small, dry town in the south-west of Oaxaca, Mexico there is a deadly political battle being…
A truth that's told with bad intent: Ecuador's government quells dissent
Joe Cape is a web designer thanks largely to the Acción Creativa collective based in Quito. He has been telling people more than they think they wish to know about…
Colombia, fuck yeah!
Over on the MSNBC photoblog there are some enlightening shots from the frontline of the war on drugs. But they tell us the opposite of what they're meant to. Look…
This is what democracy looks like – learning from Latin America
This piece first appeared in this week's issue of the Occupied Times Stretched across the tent town by the London Stock Exchange is a banner spelling out the slogan of…
The Global North – the need to prepare for two very different scenarios
The economic and political situation is clearly volatile rather than static. It can all go either way very quickly, that our response (or lack of one) is what will make…
6 Billion Ways and our global struggle
The struggle against neo-liberalism is global or it is nothing. It is easy to imagine that the current cocktail of poisons forced on the people of Britain is something new.…