9 Thoughts on Left Unity and its Founding Conference
Saturday saw the launch of a new left-wing political party in Britain – Left Unity. I won’t attempt to report on it, as I wasn’t there (nor did I want…
Greens need to be of the Movement, and now’s the time
I'm writing this from the Scottish Greens Conference in beautiful Inverness. Its been a great weekend, full of friendly folk and astutue positive thinking and I've thouroughly enjoyed being here.…
Building to Win: Reaching Beyond the International Anti-Capitalist Elite
I was recently asked to speak about the infrastructure of progressive movements at the Bank of Ideas - part of Occupy London. This is roughly what I said. This piece…
Letter from Northern Ireland: our non-movement and what it means
Lorcan is Deputy President of NUS USI (Northern Ireland) When I was approached to write for Bright Green, I was asked to write about the Northern Ireland student movement. I’m…
On class and the anti-cuts movement
The class war has spread to the 'anti-cuts' movement. I suppose it was inevitable. After decades of watching wages stagnate, and economic inequality widen, the chickens are now coming home…