The Parallels for UK Labour from US Democrats
A mounting Republican headache for President Obama - Image: Barack Obama The 2014 midterms were a massive rebuke to Obama and US Democrats. In state after state Democrat Senators, Congresspeople…
Obama? Stein? It's decision time
Every four years, radicals in America face a dilemma. Should they vote Democrat to keep out the Republican? Or should they vote for a candidate who offers change? (some, of…
LOLBoris and LOLObama
OK, I'm going to make a clear prediction: Barack Obama is gonna win. I should add that, when Gordon Brown was 10 points down in 2010, I predicted he'd be…
Lessons from Libya – Democrats make for effective emperors
You have to hand it to Obama. The man is a smooth operator. When he got into power, Republicans threw up their hands in horror at the prospect of a…
Obama: Debt, Default and Betrayal
Last week Sunny told us that he was frustrated with people like Glenn Greenwald who think Obama is giving away too much in the current negotiations over the US debt…
Tory triangulation: their great weakness?
Labour was always accused of spinning. In a sense, this seems to ultimately have contributed much to their downfall - but not in the ways we would expect. The usual…
On internet history and regulation
So, we learn that one of the big areas on which the US and the UK are supposed to still have a special relationship is that of 'cyberspace'. Or rather, I learned…
Bin Laden’s killing: Four questions and a funeral
By Rupert Read 1) Obama said to Congress yesterday that Bin Laden was "captured and killed". Does that imply that he was captured alive, and then shot in the head?…
Obama Sell Out Again – This Time on Offshore Drilling
If selling out the prospect of meaningful health care reform in the US might be viewed as merely a missed opportunity and a misplaced desire to compromise and achieve bipartisanship,…
What’s Wrong With Health Care Reform.
So health care reform in the US has finally been passed and signed into law. It's been a long time coming, see Ted Kennedy below, and it's been greeted as…